How Impressive Digital Uses Fireflies to Train New Employees Conveniently and Keep Track of Deliverables

Gabriel Grossman, SEO Lead at Impressive Digital, discussed how they leverage Fireflies to keep track of internal and client deliverables as well as to train new employees.

About Impressive Digital

Impressive Digital is Melbourne's leading digital marketing agency, helping Australian businesses improve their SEO, PPC and social media marketing.

Gabriel leads the SEO department at Impressive. They have delivered award-winning campaigns for their clients, helping to boost their share of organic traffic and sales from Google Search.

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  • Industry: Digital Marketing


Being a digital marketing agency, Impressive Digital conducts many interviews with its clients on a regular basis, along with holding a number of internal meetings to discuss strategy. In the case of Gabriel, for example, he needs to update his team about the latest in SEO, and regular interactions are very important for the business. Having a recorded history of such changes is critical for them to modify the client’s strategy.

Impact of the Problem

They wanted a solution where they could keep track of all the conversations with clients, as well as internal discussions. They found note-taking a chore, and it became problematic to assign any member of the team for the task as they needed all hands on deck.


Gabriel found Fireflies through a colleague and decided to give it a try. Fred Fireflies promptly jumped to be that note-taker that nobody wanted to be. They were also able to easily extract the action items and deadlines for effortless follow-ups later on.


Fireflies enables sharing the recordings with anyone who has missed a meeting or important takeaways and saves on having to schedule repeat-sessions.

Marketing Team at Impressive Digital found their perfect virtual assistant in Fireflies and uses it to keep an everlasting recording of their deliverables and to share instructional videos to train the new joiners.

- Gabriel Grossman, SEO Lead at Impressive Digital

Ready to get started with us? Try Fireflies for free today!