How To Write A Sales Email That Converts (Tips & Examples)
Sales Productivity Guides for Businesses

How To Write A Sales Email That Converts (Tips & Examples)

Vibhanshu Dixit
Vibhanshu Dixit

Table of Contents

Wondering how to write a sales email that converts?

Short answer: Aim for personalization and sound like a human. Be specific, keep your message concise, and initiate action with CTA.

Did you know that professionals receive an average of 121 business emails every day? And that number is only expected to grow. In short, a person gets a heavy dose of information via email every single day.

Out of these 121 emails, only those with the right structure and delivery will make an impact.

The rest? They'll end up in the trash!

So, how to write a sales email that grabs attention and compels recipients to take action? That's what we are going to discuss in this blog.

What are sales emails?

What are sales emails?
Source: Freepik

Sales emails are messages sent by sales professionals or teams to prospective or existing customers to initiate or further a sales conversation. These emails aim to promote products or services, generate leads, nurture relationships, and ultimately drive sales.

Sales emails can vary in format and purpose, ranging from

  • Introduction emails
  • Sales follow up emails
  • Cold outreach emails
  • Product demo request emails
  • Promotion or offer emails
  • Re-engagement emails
  • Customer success or onboarding emails
  • Upsell/cross-sell emails

The effectiveness of a sales email often depends on its ability to resonate with the recipient and prompt a desired response or engagement.

Why do effective sales emails matter?

Why effective sales emails matter?
Source: Freepik

According to Statista, more than 4.26 billion people worldwide use email and it is expected to increase to 4.73 billion by 2026.

If you’re a sales rep and don't know how to write sales emails to customers, you’re missing a lot.Here's why you should start writing sales emails:

1. Respectful way of communication

Writing a sales email is a respectful way of communicating because it values the prospect's time and attention. Rather than bombarding them with flashy ads, you're discreetly sharing information directly to their inbox, giving them the choice to engage based on their free will.

2. Economic and cost-effective

Emails allow businesses to reach customers at a negligible cost.  They are quite economical compared to traditional communication methods, such as calls. Every $1 spent on email marketing has an ROI of $44.

3. Personalized

Imagine you’re a teacher, and you keep getting the same sales poking (ads, calls, etc.) to buy backup software. What will you do? You’ll curse the sales rep. Why? Because their message isn’t personalized to you. Emails solve the exact problem because they are targeted. If you send segmented emails, they can generate 58% of the revenue.

4. Better customer acquisition than social media

Social media has its own advantages. But when it comes to acquisition, emails are the preferred choice. Sales email allows the prospect to further inquire about the offer without leaving the platform.

Fireflies For Sales Managers
Here is how sales managers can use Fireflies AI Notetaker and Conversation Intelligence software to consistently close more deals and grow revenue.

Types of sales emails

Types of sales emails
Source: Freepik

Emails are useful at every step of a sales cycle. There are five types of sales emails that target prospects at different points of their buyer’s journey.

  1. Discovery email: An email that is a part of the lead qualification process.
  2. Meeting invitation email: An email to invite the prospect to a meeting with the sales rep.
  3. Sales follow up email: Sequence of emails in response to a customer’s actions.
  4. Re-engagement email: Sales email that initiates engagement with an inactive subscriber or customer.
  5. Transactional email: The sequence of emails to a prospect after a successful transaction. Includes cart abandonment emails, promotional emails, receipt emails, etc.

Thus, there are many points in the sales cycle where emails perform a pivotal function. However, not all email brings a substantial ROI. The success of a sales email boils down to how you write a sales email.So, how to write a sales email that converts?

Answer: Follow a well-defined structure that can serve you as a guide to writing sales emails.

Key components of a good sales email

Key components of a good sales email
Source: Freepik

Here are the key components of a good sales email that will help you maximize your conversion rates:

  • Compelling subject line: Grab the reader's attention with a clear and intriguing subject line that entices them to open the email.
  • Personalization: Address the recipient by name and tailor the content to their needs or interests whenever possible.
  • Introduction: Start with a friendly greeting and a brief introduction that sets the tone for the email.
  • Value proposition: Communicate the value of your product or service and how it addresses the recipient's pain points or solves their problems.
  • Benefits over features: Focus on your offering's benefits rather than just its features. Explain how it will improve the recipient's life or business.
  • Call to action (CTA): Clearly state what action you want the recipient to take and make it easy for them to do so. Use a firm, action-oriented CTA that prompts immediate response.
  • Professional closing: End the email with a polite closing, such as "Best regards" or "Sincerely," followed by your name and contact information.

How to write a sales email that converts

How to write a sales email that converts
Source: Freepik

Wondering how to write a sales email? You need to master two skills: Content and Attitude.

Part I: Writing rich content for sales email

1. Craft a relevant subject line

The subject of the email tells its context. The subject line aims to inform readers what to expect in the email. It should catch the user’s interest and attention. Remember when you write a sales email: don’t sound pushy or poking in the subject line.

Here are some examples of how to write email subject lines for sales:

  • Sara suggested I get in touch with you.
  • Questions about [recent event]
  • Questions about [user’s goal]
  • Ideas for [things a prospect cares about]
  • Have you considered [recommendation or thought]

A/B testing is one of the most effective ways to test different email subject lines for sales.

  • Take a subset from your email recipient’s list and divide them into two groups.
  • Prepare two different subject lines for each group.
  • Now, send emails to these subsets with the same content but different subjects.
  • Remember to send more than 50 emails for accuracy in statistics.

By conducting A/B testing in this manner, you can gather valuable insights into which email subject lines for sales resonate best with your audience.

2. Nail the preview text

Preview text is a glimpse of the first line of email content. It displays the content briefly next to the subject line. It would help if you crafted the preview text perfectly, as it is a hit-or-miss chance.

Ensure that the preview text in your sales email does not contain generic information, e.g.,  reading this email and social links. Opening the email should help the subscribers understand what value they can get.

Remember, you have 35-140 characters for preview text when writing a sales email. Take out your trump card and place it there.

3. Grab attention with the opening line

Which one of these opening line you’ll most probably like:

  • “Hi, my name is Jason from...”Or,
  • “I noticed that you….”  

The second one, right?

Because it’s not generic or boring.Let’s look at another example:

"Hi Sarah,I noticed that we both share a passion for sustainable living. Let's explore how our eco-friendly home products can help you reduce your carbon footprint and create a greener living space together!"

This opening line is personalized, friendly, and immediately establishes a connection based on a shared interest or goal, making the recipient more receptive to the rest of the email.

Here are some templates for opening line in sales email at different stages:

  • [Mutual connection] mentioned that you…
  • I noticed that we both…
  • I appreciate your interest in…
  • Why do you prefer…

4. Present the core message in the body

The body is where the real essence of the sales email is—it is the heart of the email. Everything has reduced users' resistance to arriving here, and this is also where users will find detailed information about the subject.

How to write a sales email body?

Don’t write generic messages in the body of the sales email. For instance, “we provide the best-in-class collaboration software to increase your productivity by 400%.”

Sadly, these types of sales emails are prevalent and land in the trash.

The better way is to ask questions related to the research you've done on the prospect. 

Here are some templates:

  • Are [benefits of your product] your priority?
  • Will solving [their problem] help you achieve better results?
  • How are you planning to improve your strategy?
  • Are you working alone on this?
  • What are your expectations with the strategy you deployed?
  • Was the ideation part your primary task?

5. Initiate action with CTA

Writing an excellent story without driving readers to action is pointless. Everything up to now has been the road to a destination. CTA is that destination. This is the point where the actual sales will happen.

Remember when you write a sales email to customers: give them a strong, lasting impression. And ask them to act.

You can ask the following question to lead the reader to prompt action:

  • Please let me know what you’d like as a next step, if any.
  • Do you have a free slot available on your calendar for the next week?
  • Do you want to discuss your thoughts on this proposal?
  • What are your questions that I can help you with?
  • Can we talk about this proposal in detail? If not, who would you like to talk to?
  • If you don’t want to move forward, can I have permission to close your file?

Wondering how to write a sales email to get a meeting?

Here’s the ground rule: Be specific.

Consider your prospect is busy and will think twice before the meeting. Thus, it’s best to be specific about the date and time while writing a follow-up sales email.

Here’s how to ask to get a meeting in a sales email:

  • Do you have ten minutes free tomorrow?
  • Are you available for a 20-minute call on [date and time]?

6. End with a signature

Wondering how to end a sales email? With an email signature! It is like a business card in the online world.

While writing a sales email, don’t make your signature a distraction or cliche. It would bring better results if you stick to the following guidelines:

  • Keep it concise and precise.
  • Mention the brand.
  • Include your communication details, e.g., email and phone number.
  • Provide a link to your professional profile, i.e., LinkedIn.
  • Images and quotes are a big NO-NO.

Here's an example of how to end a sales email:

"Hi [Prospect's Name],I'm excited about the possibility of working together to enhance [specific area of interest or goal]. When would be a good time for us to connect further?Looking forward to your response!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]"

Part II: Attitude of writing a sales email

7. No spam by shouting

If your emails seem like shouting ads, the reader will delete them from their inbox. Write a compelling sales email by reducing the jargon that appears pushy.


Did you notice how the above sentence is an attention killer and appears spammy?

Avoid unnecessary attention-grabbing tactics.

8. Understand the audience

When writing a sales email, focus on the persona. You're sending emails to humans, not to robots. Understand your audience before sending out a bunch of emails.

  • Research the needs and struggles of your prospects.
  • Leverage the data from social and web analytics.
  • Combine it with the data you have from personal interaction.
  • Build a customer avatar or buyer’s persona with unique characteristics. This is one of the most useful tips for closing more sales deals.

Understanding who’s going to read your email can significantly increase the email’s open rate. Thus, make your emails relevant and personalized.

9. Psychology

Humans have some predictable behavior patterns you can use while writing a sales email. Using psychology can help you craft sales emails and get a high conversion rate.

Here are some psychological tips you can use:

  • Color choice: The human brain reacts differently to different colors. Use this strategy while designing the color scheme of your email (creative, CTAs, etc.). For example, red depicts alertness.
  • Social Proof: People are more likely to buy things that others have purchased. Use this tactic by mentioning customer reviews and success stories when you write sales emails to new customers.
  • Use of emojis: Emojis depict emotions or gestures instantly. Use emojis that lead the reader’s gaze towards the CTA. 👇

Here's a complete format of how to write a cold email for sales:

how to write a sales email that converts

By following this format, you can easily learn how to write a sales email that converts.

Maximizing sales email success with Fireflies AI

Maximizing sales email success with Fireflies AI
Source: Fireflies

Imagine you've just had a productive sales meeting with a potential client. There were valuable insights shared during the conversation, but now you're faced with the task of summarizing everything and crafting a compelling follow-up email.

This is where Fireflies can help. It is an AI notetaker that automatically records, transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes your online and offline sales meetings. Fireflies makes it easier to create personalized emails and gives you more insights to improve your chances of closing deals.

Here's how Fireflies AI can help:

  1. Automated note-taking: Fireflies AI records and transcribes your sales meetings, capturing important details for drafting sales follow up emails.
  2. Centralized information storage: All meeting notes and transcripts are securely stored in one place, making it easy to refer back to specific details for personalizing your sales emails.
  3. Insights for personalization: Fireflies AI analyzes meeting data to understand prospect preferences, making it easier to tailor your sales communication effectively.
  4. AskFred chatbot assistance: Fireflies includes a GPT-powered chatbot called AskFred that can help answer questions and assist with writing follow-up emails, blogs, and social media posts based your meeting context.
Beyond Meeting Transcription: The Benefits of Using Fireflies
Fireflies’ capabilities are not just limited to meeting transcription. Here are the top 12 benefits of including this generative AI tool in your workplace conversations.

And that's not all! Fireflies offers many other important features to improve your overall sales process.

  • It records, transcribes and summarizes all your sales calls and meetings with 90%+ accuracy.
  • You can listen to sales calls and meetings at different speeds (1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, and 2x).
  • Easily search through transcripts and find specific topics using smart search and AI filters.
  • Track keywords and topics across meetings with the Topic Tracker.
  • Automatically organize sales calls and meetings into different categories using Fireflies Notebook channels.
  • Log calls, notes, transcripts, and meetings into your CRM. 
  • Fireflies lets new reps learn from the best sales calls your team has already had. 
  • Managers can provide coaching and feedback by leaving comments at specific parts of calls.
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Deploy these strategies for sales team training to build an army of top-performing sales reps and improve sales closing rate.

What's best is that Fireflies is compatible with every device, Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. You can also access it as a Chrome extension.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using Fireflies for free with its forever free plan or upgrade to paid plans starting at just $10 to streamline your sales email writing process.

Say goodbye to tedious note-taking and hello to more effective sales emails that convert.

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How to write a sales email that converts: Tips and best practices

How to write a sales email that converts - Tips and best practices
Source: Freepik

Here are some tips on how to write a sales email:

1. Segment your audience

Tailor your email content based on different segments of your audience. Understand their specific needs, pain points, and preferences to deliver more targeted and personalized messages.

2. Send email at the right time

Timing is crucial when it comes to sending sales emails. Consider factors such as the recipient's time zone, industry norms, and their typical schedule to determine the best time to send your email.

3. Use clear and concise language

Keep your email copy clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or overly technical language that might confuse or overwhelm the recipient.

4. Create a sense of urgency

Incorporate a sense of urgency in your email to encourage action. Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or deadlines can motivate recipients to act quickly.

5. Visual appeal

Incorporate visually appealing elements such as images, graphics, or videos to enhance the overall presentation of your email.

5. Provide value beyond the sale

Offer additional resources, insights, or tips related to your product or industry to provide ongoing value to the recipient. Position yourself as a trusted advisor rather than just a salesperson.

6. Personalize beyond the name

Go beyond simply addressing the recipient by their name. Incorporate personalized content based on their past interactions, preferences, or recent purchases to demonstrate genuine interest and relevance.

How to write a sales email - Practical examples

Now that you know how to write a sales email, here are three examples to get started.

Example 1: Introduction and Product Offering Email

If you are wondering how to write a cold email for sales, here's an example.

Subject: Introducing Our Innovative Marketing Software

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I'm reaching out from [Your Company]. We've developed a cutting-edge marketing software that I believe could greatly benefit your team at [Recipient's Company].

Our software offers intuitive campaign management, detailed analytics, and seamless integration with existing tools. I'd love to schedule a quick demo to show you how it can streamline your marketing efforts.Are you available for a 15-minute call next week to discuss further?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Example 2: Follow-up email after initial contact

If you want to know how to write a sales email for following up with prospects, use this sample.

Subject: Quick Follow-Up: Discussing Your Inventory Management Needs

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope you had a chance to review the information I sent over regarding our inventory management solutions. I wanted to see if you had any questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know.

Our system has helped businesses like yours reduce stockouts by 30% and improve order fulfillment efficiency. We'd be thrilled to customize a plan that fits [Recipient's Company]'s unique requirements.

When would be a good time for us to reconnect and delve deeper into this?

Thanks for considering our services!

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Example 3: Offer or promotion email

Subject: Exclusive Offer: 20% Off Our Premium Membership

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share an exclusive offer with you as a valued subscriber of our newsletter. For a limited time, we're offering a 20% discount on our premium membership, which includes access to advanced features and personalized support.

This membership will empower you to [highlight key benefits, such as increased productivity, savings, etc.]. To redeem this offer, simply use the code PREMIUM20 at checkout.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the membership or need assistance with anything else.

Looking forward to having you join our premium community!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]


And that's all about - how to write a sales email!

Crafting successful sales emails requires practice and a solid strategy. A well-researched approach helps sales reps maintain consistency in their email campaigns.

Tools like assist by letting you take detailed notes during meetings, making it easier to personalize follow-up messages, improving team collaboration, and even training reps faster. This helps improve sales success and conversion rates.

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