10 Skip-level Meeting Questions (For Managers and Employees)
Meetings Project Management

10 Skip-level Meeting Questions (For Managers and Employees)

Ayush Kudesia
Ayush Kudesia

Feeling tongue-tied in a skip-level meeting? Don't worry. We've all been there. These meetings can be tricky, but they can be super valuable with the right approach. In this article, we'll discuss everything from a skip-level meeting and its importance to the ten most important skip-level meeting questions to ask (as managers and employees).

So, let’s get right into it.

Topics covered

  • What is a skip-level meeting?
  • Who decides the agenda of the skip-level meeting?
  • Importance of skip-level meetings
  • How to prepare for a skip-level meeting as an employee
  • Skip-level meeting agenda template for employees
  • 10 skip-level meeting questions to ask managers
  • How to prepare for a skip-level meeting as a manager
  • Skip-level meeting agenda template for managers
  • 10 skip-level meeting questions to ask employees
  • Bonus skip-level meeting questions

What is a skip-level meeting?

Skip-level meetings bring employees face-to-face directly with someone a few levels above you. These meetings are called ‘skip-level’ because you skip your immediate supervisor/manager and directly converse with people higher up the hierarchy.

These are relatively short meetings aimed at building transparent communication across all levels. This is a platform to discuss the company’s growth and your own. You can also discuss strategic changes in your organization and share feedback.

Whether you're looking to build relationships, gather information, or make a positive impression, these meetings are important for employees and managers.

skip level meeting questions

Who decides the agenda of the skip-level meeting?

A comprehensive and relevant meeting agenda is crucial for a productive and efficient meeting. It’s no different for skip-level meetings.

Usually, it’s the manager’s job to prepare an agenda tailored to the company’s current goals. But it’s best to create it with employees to make these meetings more inclusive and transparent.

Duration: These meetings usually last 30-45 minutes and happen bi-monthly or monthly.

Importance of skip-level meetings

It is not every day that employees get to interact with senior management. A skip-level meeting facilitates candid interactions and builds a culture of open communication and problem-solving without the usual hierarchy getting in the way.

  • It gives employees a platform to discuss new ideas and concerns.
  • Employees get to know their senior management, how they work, and their management style.
  • It makes employees feel confident that the senior management is approachable. They feel valued and heard.
  • Employees get a better understanding of the company’s goals and strategy.
  • It results in better decision-making as managers understand their team’s perspective.
  • It makes the organization much more transparent for both employees and managers.

For managers, these meetings result in a greater understanding of employee satisfaction. They get to know how their team works and what kind of issues persist that they previously weren’t aware of. It helps them realign the company goals accordingly with the employees’ immediate managers.

It also gives managers a forum to directly appreciate and recognize their employees' work.

How to prepare for a skip-level meeting as an employee

Whether it is your first skip-level meeting or otherwise, it’s best to always prepare for it. Think of some good skip-level questions and your career aspirations before diving into the conversation.  Here’s how employees can approach their preparation:

Get to know your boss’s boss: The invite you received has the names of all the attendees from the senior management. Research them. Review their profiles and roles to familiarize yourself with them. It will give you some ideas about topics you can discuss.

Make clear objectives: Be clear about what you hope to gain from this meeting. You might have some concerns or ideas to share. Prepare your talking points to avoid missing out on anything.

Show respect: This goes without saying, respect everyone in the meeting.  Any feedback or criticism you get, take it in with an open mind. Implement it, as it will only help your personal growth.

Don’t be late: It doesn’t matter if this meeting takes place online or offline, be on time. Dress professionally, and be confident.

Prepare an agenda with questions to ask at a skip-level meeting. Here is an example to get you started.

Skip-level meeting agenda template for employees

💡 Skip-level meeting agenda template

1. Introduction (2 min)
  • Introduce yourself and what your current responsibilities are in the organization.
  • Share something you enjoy outside of work. Break the ice a little.

  • 2. Share progress updates (5 min)
  • Share the current timeline of your projects and whether your team is on track to complete the project on time.
  • Ask for any team-specific feedback or suggestions.

  • 3. Discuss your personal goals (5 min)
  • Share your personal and professional goals for the next 12 months. Want to get certified to do your job better? Ask for it here.
  • Ask for any support or resources needed to achieve them.

  • 4. Share feedback on the company work culture (5 min)
  • Share suggestions for improving the work culture and team efficiency.
  • Ask for any specific changes that could make your job more effective
  • .

    5. Discuss the current company strategy (5 min)
  • Give feedback on how effective you think the current company strategy is.
  • Discuss what changes can be made to make the work more productive.

  • 6. Open forum (20 min)
  • Expect follow-up questions and responses. This is the place to understand your management’s perspective and dive deeper into areas of your interest.

  • 7. Conclusion (3 mins)
  • Share one takeaway from the meeting.
  • Discuss any next steps or follow-up actions.
  • 10 skip-level meeting questions to ask managers

    Now that you have a skip-level meeting agenda template, here are 10 questions to give you an idea about how you can tailor your questions according to the agenda:

    1. What do the company’s current goals, objectives, and strategies look like?
    2. How close are we to achieving these goals?
    3. How can I contribute more toward these goals?
    4. Are there any challenges I need to be aware of related to my work area?
    5. Are there any areas I can personally contribute to with my current skills?
    6. What can we do to work better as a team?
    7. How can we improve the entire communication of the company?
    8. What new skills do I need to learn to perform my responsibilities better?
    9. What, according to you, is my biggest weakness and my biggest strength?
    10. Are there any major changes happening in the company in the upcoming quarter?
    skip level meeting questions

    How to prepare for a skip-level meeting as a manager

    If you are a manager preparing for a skip-level meeting, ensure the meeting is a success. You can start by identifying the purpose of the meeting. It will not only help you create a clear agenda but also help you guide the session forward.

    Here’s how you can approach this meeting:

    Get to know your employees: You can only create an agenda after knowing your employees. You should know their roles and responsibilities and the areas where they excel. This will help you communicate with them in a better way.

    Create an agenda: Your meeting agenda should include everything you want to discuss/ask with your employees, with a clear goal in mind. Communicate it with the team before the meeting so they also get enough time to prepare.

    Promote open communication: Many employees might feel intimidated by your seniority and feel uncomfortable presenting their issues. It’s your responsibility to make your team feel at ease. You want them to open up with you without hesitation.

    Listen carefully: When your team shares their feedback, issues, or concerns over the current working situation, just listen. Encourage them to be open, even if they feel that their issues are trivial. Refrain from countering what they have to say; instead, look for a viable solution to their problem.

    💡 Fireflies Tip

    Fireflies helps build active listening skills with its conversation intelligence platform. If you have skip-level meetings online, use it to see your talk-to-listen ratio, how many words you speak per minute, or the overall sentiment of your call.

    Ready to get started with us? Try Fireflies for free!

    As a manager, you should also prepare an agenda and a list of skip-level questions to ask during the meeting.

    Skip-level meeting agenda template for managers

    💡 Skip-level meeting agenda template

    Introduction (2 min)
  • Introduce yourself and what projects and areas currently fall under your umbrella of work
  • Ask some questions outside the work from your employee to break the ice. Here are some virtual icebreaker ideas if your meeting happens online.

  • 2. Take progress updates (5 min)
  • Ask them about the current progress of the ongoing projects and how the team is doing with respect to the decided timeline.
  • Ask them if they need help with the project and whether it can be done on time.

  • 3. Share any new company updates and changes happening (5 min)
  • Share any proposed/ongoing management changes that are relevant to the employees.
  • Ask them what changes they expect in the company to improve the overall work environment.

  • 4. Discuss the company’s work culture (5 min)
  • Ask them how they feel about the company’s current state and if they are getting appropriate support from their teammates and managers.
  • Ask them how they feel about their current work-life balance.
  • .

    5. Ask them what you can do to help them (5 min)
  • Ask them if they are facing any issues with their managers or team members.
  • Discuss the areas where you can help them resolve their issues.

  • 6. Open forum (20 min)
  • Ask them if they have more questions to ask or if they have something else to discuss.
  • Ask your questions, and analyze their answers to get a better understanding of everything that is going on.

  • 7. Conclusion (3 mins)
  • Share one takeaway from the meeting.
  • Discuss any next steps or follow-up actions.
  • 10 skip-level meeting questions to ask employees

    As a manager, you also need to ask the right questions to get the most information from your employees. Here are some questions that can help you frame your own -

    1. Do you have proper support from your immediate managers and team members? If not, what can we do to improve it?
    2. Can the current company goals can be achieved in time? If you need more time or resources, let us know.
    3. Are you comfortable with your work and current projects?
    4. Would you like to pursue new responsibilities beyond your current field?
    5. How would you rate your communication with your team members and management out of 10?
    6. Do you have any suggestions we can implement to improve organization-wide communication?
    7. If you face any issues with your immediate managers, please feel free to bring them forward.
    8. Do you feel satisfied and valued within the company?
    9. Do you have a proper work-life balance?
    10. Does this job provide you with a flexible work culture that you are comfortable with?

    Please remember that these questions are only to give you an idea. The questions you ask should be tailored to the agenda of your skip-level meeting, considering the nature and scope of your work.

    skip level meeting questions

    Bonus skip-level meeting questions

    Here are some other examples of what to ask in skip-level meetings -

    1. Are there any employees that you are impressed with?
    2. Would you like to have a chance to collaborate on a project with them?
    3. Do you have any issues you had voiced before that the management didn’t address?
    4. Would you like to share any issues beyond work affecting your efficiency to work properly?
    5. Have you ever felt unsupported by your fellow team members?
    6. What additional skills do you want to learn?

    Final thoughts

    The success of any skip-level meeting depends on asking the right questions. This goes for both the managers and the employees.

    When managers take the time to ask open-ended and thought-provoking questions during a skip-level meeting, it gets everyone talking and thinking on a deeper level. This kind of discussion can lead to valuable insights and ideas that everyone can implement.

    For employees, these meetings give them a chance to voice their opinions. They can give feedback on the ongoing projects and what kind of resources or skills they need to improve to deliver their best.

    These meetings present a two-way street, with transparent communication at its very core. Give feedback, take feedback, and ask questions. Let it help you create a more open work culture for everyone.

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